Saturday, November 8, 2008

What are does your handshake say about you?!

But this video is not only about what your handshakes, it also talks about the many other subtle things that someone does. If your not looking for these subtle gestures, your not gonna see it. These subtle movements can say a lot about you. In the beginning you see the woman on the right fidgeting waiting for the woman talking to finish. Her fidgeting blatantly show that she is being impatient. Later, they talk about their handshakes. It turns out that a long handshake shows that you are controlling. Soon, they talk about nodding. This is done in many conversations everywhere, no matter where you go. It was said that if the person your talking to stops nodding, you can change the topic to regain their attention. They mention touching. No, get your mind out of the gutter. I mean that friendly touch on the upper arm to really drive the point home. But, when doing this the leg may be off-limits! Depending on your relationship with that person. People will do things instinctively if they feel threatened, like crossing their arms or moving away from you.

I found this video very interesting. Although, it does talk a lot about the subtleties of body language. But I would really like to learn more about it... I might just pick up Mark Jeffries' book, and learn the ways of soft touch! =P and gentle influence people to do my bidding!

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