Thursday, November 20, 2008


Technology is a big part of our daily lives. We use it all the time. Telephones, cellphones, computers are the most used in my opinion. But many of these things in their current iteration will be out of date in a year or two. Moore's Law states that "the amount of transistors placed on a computer processor will double every two years." This means that computers will only get faster and faster. But Moore's law does not only apply to computer processors. It, also, applies to memory capacity,and the size and number of camera pixels.
Like the video said by 2013 a supercomputer will be able rival the HUMAN brain in computational ability. But, not to worry there will be no terminator style judgment day. Robots, will, hopefully, not be able to do that. If anything, hopefully people will have followed the 3 laws of robotics written by Isaac Asimov. The speed that technology, in this world, progresses is frightening. For 4 year technology major students, what they learned in their first year will be outdated. Same with medical technology. The scary thing is since we rely on technology so much. What would happen if we were to lose electricity completely... Our whole society will come to an almost COMPLETE stop. I hope in future years this will be solved.
The thing that i would really like to see take off is electric cars like the Tesla Roadster. This is a FULL electric car. No gas engine, no emissions and, most importantly, no POLLUTION! If the government subsidized this type of technology. Then things would be better for environmentalists and car enthusiasts. But yeah i'm done talking.

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