Sunday, September 28, 2008


I walk to lunch in bright sunlight, in what seemed like a nice day. After I finish lunch, I leave the North campus diner and it had RAINED?!!? It was really weird, I left it was bright and clear as day. Afterwords, It rained and was gloomy. Now I look out the window and its BRIGHT?! What is this?!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Weather... (Cont.)

The weather now is just ridiculous. As you probably know it rained pretty hard. Well this is getting extremely annoying. I hate to walk any where in the room. But, it is fun to just relax in the rain.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


It's really starting to annoy me... The weather yesterday was fine. But, now it's just cold. It's not normal, going from 80 degree weather to 60 degree weather.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This paper is increasingly getting harder and harder as I write. As I delve further and further into this paper, it's getting harder to think of things to write.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Narrative written in class...

As I browse through a store minding my own business. And I have this eerie feeling that something is behind me. I turn around and nothing is there. So, I keep browsing and then I get the same feeling. I turn and there he is... the SECURITY guard following me. I felt insulted and just left the store.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


In my business management 110 class, my teacher showed us a video, "Did you know 2.0". It basically talked about how the US is falling behind India and China, in education and many other things. It brings up many other facts, and thought provoking questions. In my opinion, I think it brings up a lot of possible correct statistics. But, it leaves a lot to the viewers imagination. You decide! Video after the break.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Financial Crisis...

Oh NOES!!!! AIG is getting a bailout from the Fed of about $85 billion. Lehman Brothers has filed for bankruptcy. Merrill Lynch was bought up by Bank of America... This may seem like a bad time. But, President Bush says it's just an adjustment... -_- While many other financial analyzers say that today was the worst day in the financial market.


ARGH... THE HEAT... Yeah, it is hot as hell in a dorm with no a/c even during the night. The university should do something bout this! Vote on the poll!! NOW!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Singing Bee

This is a singing game show, much like Don't forget the lyrics. It is hosted by N'Sync singer, Joey Fontane. It's very amusing to watch people fail at remembering the lyrics to classic songs, like "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey, "Buttercup" by The Foundations. It's not a bad show its on bravo. WATCH IT!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Why is it that there are some dorms where there is no air conditioning? I sit here in my dorm, Easton, and it is HOT. And I don't mean 80 degrees hot... I mean it feels like 95 degrees. I wonder why is it that some of my friends, who are also freshman, get air conditioning. While I'm here sweating my butt off here. I think the university should do something about it!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I guess it's hurricane season now. Ike has hit Texas. Much of Houston is destroyed. And 2 confirmed deaths in Houston... I think. Even though Ike was a category 1 when it hit Texas, it still did a lot of damage. And these hurricanes are only going to get stronger.

Now for something less morbid. I saw an episode of Mythbusters (for those who don't know, GOOGLE it), where they interlaced the pages of 2 phonebooks and tried to pull it apart. Needless to say they failed at that, even though they used two tanks. That was kinda cool. Otherwise nothing much on tv.

The Terps football team beat California 35-27!!!! WHOOO Go TERPS!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008


So... What to talk about... well I have heard many times that people don't like the new facebook. But for the most part, it makes stalking that much easier for me!! =D... Just kidding. It is rather annoying... The weather is also annoying in that its raining whenever I'm walking to class. But when I'm in class it stops... Just my luck.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


What exactly is wrong with our weather? First we get weeks, where I am walking to class in temperature routinely reached 95 degrees Fahrenheit. And then suddenly, I am walking to class with rain soaking my clothes. This is ridiculous. But, the rain is a nice relief from the extreme heat!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I'm sitting here watching the VMA's and I just found out that Ashlee Simpson is pregnant... o.O When did this happen?!?! But as I thought about it. I figured out that there are a lot of people that are pregnant. Ashlee Simpson, Jessica Alba (Sad i know), Bristol Palin (she's only 17-18), and many more that seem to elude my mind at the moment.

I find this very odd. What really sparked this craze? Was it the lucky connotations to the year 2008?(To the chinese and maybe others 8 is a lucky number) Or was it some memo that is passed around telling people to get pregnant this year? o.O I for one don't know if the latter is possible or true.
But, yeah this is a little odd that everyone decides to have a child all in the same year.

Just for fun

So Saturday afternoon, I left my dorm to go back home to do laundry. I slept over at my house. And the Sunday afternoon, I went with my family to have lunch with some friends, who are either in high school, middle school or college.

Friday, September 5, 2008

1st blog assignment!!!

1. My name is Austin Liu. I am from Potomac, Maryland. I have gone to Wayside elementary, Herbert Hoover middle school, and Winston Churchill high school. I plan on getting a degree, and getting my masters. At this point, I might major in finance, accounting or both.

2. The only writing that I have done is in school, for my classes.

3. When writing my paper I will plan out what I'm going to write. After planning I will the write in my computer. The easiest part of the process would be revising. But, the hardest would be coming up with what to write.

4. Writing an editorial gives me the most satisfaction.

5. The longest paper I've written would be 5 pages. But the most difficult paper was a research paper that i wrote on Marie Curie. To prepare to write my research paper I had to research about Marie's many accomplishments as a female chemist. I learned that finding the necessary details.

6. I remember learning about sentence structures, and paragraph structures.

7. As a writer I am terrible at coming up with ideas, and elaborating my point. But, my sentence structure, and me revision skills are better.

8. Coming up with what to write is where I am gonna need a lot of help. Also, getting to the required amount of pages.

9. I would talk about many current events or anything that is "debate worthy".

10. I associate Disagreements with the word arguements. I think it would be interesting as long as there are arguements that happen!